Sarah Labiner


Sarah Appointed to Vocal Faculty at Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama

Sarah has been appointed to join the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama vocal faculty as a singing teacher from autumn 2024.

Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama with logo

“The Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama attracts the best creative talent from across the globe. As Wales’ national conservatoire, we fire imagination and drive innovation, offering training to more than 800 actors, musicians, designers, technicians and arts managers from more than 40 countries. 

Our students’ extraordinary talent and potential is fused with exceptional teaching and unrivalled industry links, to bring dreams to life. A space for everyone, creative ambition and collaboration are central to our excellence.”

Sarah will be working with students throughout the vocal programme, running classes alongside teaching individual lessons.

Fersiwn Cymraeg:

Mae Sarah wedi’i phenodi i ymuno ac adran leisiol Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru fel athrawes canu o fis Hydref 2024.

“Mae Coleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru yn denu’r dalent greadigol orau o bedwar ban byd. Fel conservatoire cenedlaethol Cymru, rydym yn tanio dychymyg ac yn ysgogi arloesedd, cynnig hyfforddiant i fwy nag 800 o actorion, cerddorion, cynllunwyr, technegwyr a rheolwyr yn y celfyddydau o dros 40 o wledydd. 

Cyfunir talent a photensial rhyfeddol ein myfyrwyr gydag addysgu eithriadol a chysylltiadau heb eu hail â diwydiant, i wireddu breuddwydion. Fel lle i bawb, mae uchelgais creadigol a chydweithio yn ganolog i’n rhagoriaeth.”

Bydd Sarah yn gweithio gyda myfyrwyr ar draws pob blwyddyn o’r rhaglen lais, gan gynnal dosbarthiadau ochr yn ochr â dysgu gwersi unigol.

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English Pronunciation Guide for the Fame Singing Academy of Hong Kong

Sarah is commissioned by the Fame Singing Academy of Hong Kong to record English language pronunciation guides for their curriculum.

Sarah’s pronunciation guidance is informed by her background in theatre and classical singing.

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